Thursday, March 11, 2010

A. In your own words define realistic art.

Realistic art is art that is based on real life. there is no out of this world stuff in it. Just everyday life stuff.

B. How does plato define good art?
Plato looked at art as being an idea and powerful shapers of character that should be strictly controlled so protect ideal citizens for an idea socitey.

C.what would plato say about koon's artwork?
Plato probably would really like it. Koon's work is kinda out there. its alittle beyond realitiy which plato would have found wrong. In his mind art should be based only on life and not taken beyond that.

D. In your on words, how would arisolte define good art.
Arisolte was alittle bit more freindly when it came to art. He thought that though art should be controled it should also leave room to grow or build.

E. In your personal phliosophy is "obsecene art a contracdiction of term? why or why not? im not really sure actully. i think it probably depends on its content and how it is displayed really that would contracdict itself.

F. Are vivid sexual images obsecene that vivid images volince, poverty, display of extreme wealth and sickness. I think that sexual images along with volinces, poverty, display of extreme weath and sickness arent all bad if they are used to express an issue or idea. There are some images that are meant to be very rude and shouldnt be displayed.


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